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Kids Spa Party Image Gallery
*Mobile Kids
Spa Party Online Photo Album*
Kids Spa Party Images Organized by Event
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Kids Spa Party pictures are a great way to remember all the fun, and easily share images or entire galleries with even far away family and friends. Capturing the
feeling of the day in photos helps the Birthday Girl and her friends keep their happy memories bright and clear. This service is included for all Kids Spa Party packages.
That includes a unique picture gallery with custom graphics on her banner, professionally-processed images, and captions. There's even room for kids or parents to add their own captions. (e-mail to find out how!) We are designers, and in our spa parties, slideshow, and gallieres, it shows!
A DVD with a slideshow of images (and video when available) and calming background music is also mailed out via USPS after the party, with enough copies for each of the guests. You can make copies of the DVD as you wish, or just send the link to the online gallery to relatives. This is also included in all Spa Party packages, without any extra fees.
We deliver professional-quality media services, as we have a background in design. The value of the entire gallery and DVD package is more than the cost for most Spa Parties we have had, if you had the slideshow and gallery done by a company that specializes in just those services.
Kids Spa Party photographs may also be purchased as glossy prints on
professional-quality paper, although there is an additional fee for this particular service. We also offer Thank You cards with photos professionally printed with personalized text that we (or you)
can mail to the party guests, as both
a means of expressing gratitude for having shared the day with your daughter, as well as as a way of leaving guests with a personally valuable memento.
(Please inquire for further details.)
Safety of the kids is first in our minds. Some of our spa party galleries include children of well-known people, and so we understand your need for privacy. Last names, town of residence, and exact birthdates are never used in the galleries, and parents and other adult relatives and friends are never included unless we are asked to do so, and granted express permisssion.
We remove Geo-Tagged GPS info from the images to preserve your privacy, and help protect the safety of the children. (We stronly suggest that you set your camera or phone's Geo-tagging to 'off' if you are uploading images to ANY web site. If you don't, someone could easily look on a map and see where every image was taken!)
Each and every Girls Spa Party Gallery page is different, with a different custom typeface on every page, along with a unique Spa Party Banner, as well as our own descriptive captions. The Birthday Girl and friends can add their own comments as well! Check out any of the galleries below for an idea of what your daughter's Spa Party will look like. There are also other gems, like the seasonal lights and snow, as well as the pop-the-lights-to-reveal-the-photo game that appears in the winter.
Our Spa Party Gallery, while remodeled in May of 2015, and again internally re-worked (for ease of posting new galleries) in June of 2016, is about to undergo a major stylistic re-vampment later this month. While the images are amazing, the web site has been around a while, and needs to be re-styled. Our image gallery will remain 100% original with all new easy-to-use features unlike anything else online.
It is currently cell-phone and iPhone friendly, and has smaller-size thumbnails for faster loading in thumbnail mode. Images are divided into two galleries, each with an HD version, as well as an Ultra-HD version. This helps you select the size of images that's right for where you are and what you're going online with. Galleries now feature a choice of quick thumbnail view or full-size scrolling view with captions and comments.
We are always improving the gallery's functionality. To that end, today, June 17, 2016, we are announcing the second annual Grand Opening of our new Kids Spa Party Image Gallery. We aim to keep improving this site. Galleries that load fast and are easy to use, so even the great-aunts out in Florida will be able to easily find their way around. We're getting there.
If you would like to add any additional photos or video of your own that were taken with
your own camera or cell phone, or the cameras of relatives, please e-mail them to and we will add them to your Kids Spa Party Gallery page.
Please add the name of the copyright holder (person who took the photos) in the e-mail for our records, and write a short note stating that you grant us permission to post them. (All GeoLocation Tag Information and Date and Time of Creation Tag info will be purged from any images that you upload to us before we post to a gallery to ensure your privacy.)
(If you are interested in a Photo Memento Postcard, or a full size print of an image from your party, please e-mail.)
June, 2016: Another year, another update. The new styling is coming soon! : ))))
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